Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Keep Calm and Sing On

This morning I attended the prayer meeting at Daystar Church. Pastor Eric spoke about worshiping God not just with our heart, but also with our mind. So often lately, my mind has been bogged down with questions and concerns. So many thoughts swirling in my head. Our adopted child always seems so close, yet so far away. Sometimes during my prayer time it's hard to focus on anyone or anything other than this child and this journey.
In the background, I heard a familiar voice sing these words...

"The hopeless have found their hope
The orphans now have a home
All that was lost has found its place in you
You lift our weary head
You make us strong instead"

I stopped trying to focus and just let go. I let the chorus "Jesus we love you" melt my cares away.
This song was written by a couple with which we were blessed to enjoy fellowship at TCC. Paul and Hannah McClure moved to California and lead worship at Bethel Church. It was Paul's familiar voice that caught my attention. Hannah was pregnant with their son Ezra at the same time I was pregnant with Ethan. Paul obviously understands how I feel, as he said (in a video about the song) “leading up to Ezra being born was overwhelming.” While writing this song, Paul said “I was learning to choose thankfulness, to choose to be happy with the season that I was in and the process that I was in.” Although I first heard his words in February, they definitely ring true for me right now. I am being reminded every day to enjoy my life and my family as we prepare to grow. Don’t worry about the process, Jesus wants to bring this orphan home and so He will make it work out. Paul also said that “Life isn’t easy obviously but chasing after Jesus is, you just have to show up. Jesus wants to help and Jesus wants to be along for the ride. All you have to do is adore Him.” (By the way, have I said how thankful I am for prayer service, even at 6am? Thank goodness I showed up today.) Hannah adds “Thankfulness will lead us back to declaring his goodness.” Such powerful words! The more thankful I am, the more I bless His name. Thank you Paul and Hannah, for using that stage in your life to write a song that reminds us we have hope and rest in Him. That can definitely put one's mind at peace.
What are you struggling with today? What do you need to lay down so that you can be thankful and at rest? Find a way to worship God with your heart and your mind today.

Jesus We Love You, Paul McClure, Bethel Worship

Jesus replied "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind." Matthew 22:37

And just to make sure I'm practicing what I preach... When I picked Ethan up from daycare this evening, my car wouldn't start. Praise God this didn't happen last week in Raleigh, Charlotte, or King!

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