Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday 1/22/16

Today we just had to wait on Elijah's passport to arrive. In the meantime, we visited the Zhengzhou Aquarium. It was such a cold and snowy day that an indoor activity sounded like fun. We haven't done much shopping, well, because adoption is really expensive. But we have enjoyed this beautiful land and all it has to offer. We've taken lots of pictures to show Elijah what his home town and home country are like. Perhaps some day he will return and take lots of pictures too. The aquarium had many fish tanks as well as a small amphitheater. I thoroughly enjoyed the sea lion show, which involved hoops, balls, and dancing. It was really amusing when another mom was feeding the giant turtles and almost had her finger bitten off. Otherwise, lots of cool fish, coral, sharks, stingrays, penguins, etc. one thoughtful mom bought all of the kiddos light-up dolphin souvenirs. Unfortunately, the roads conditions were poor so it took a while to get back to the hotel. We spent the afternoon playing in the hallway and then made one last trip to the nearby store for diapers and formula. We spent the evening repacking suitcases. Tomorrow we fly to Guangzhou! (Weather permitting)
Funny mistranslation of the day: Phillip tried to ask housekeeping to empty out garbage (since we all enjoyed a hallway pizza party) using a translation app. I'm pretty sure he called them "trash" as they seemed off put and never came to our room. 

AM Note: A huge thank you to those praying for Elijah. Yesterday he fell asleep on me in the baby carrier seconds after I put him in.  Last night he slept in his crib for a long time, so we could pack and fall asleep. Once when he woke up I was able to pat his back and get him back asleep. He eventually woke up and we put him in the bed with us as usual, but no screaming, kicking, and flailing or up every hour last night. Progress! And much needed rest!

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