Happy Family Day Elijah!
I cannot believe it's been a year since we first held Elijah in our arms. And a year since the first smile, the first wave, the first giggle, and the first kisses. Thank you to Elijah's birth mom for choosing life and sharing a piece of your heart. You may never know what happened to that little boy with chubby cheeks, but I pray God gives you peace that he is loved and cared for. Thank you to family and friends that have provided unwavering support since we began this journey.
This year held fulfilled dreams, countless snuggles, endless adventure, and so very many sleepless nights. We are blessed beyond measure with our two sons, that keep us entertained and smiling every day. We've also discovered parenting gets harder as they get older, but praise God his grace is new everyday.
This evening we celebrated Family Day with dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant. We enjoyed cake from Dewey's and time with extended family. May we remember this day each year as a day of love defeating loss, and a reflection of the Gospel. Thank you God for the blessing of children, family, and salvation.
(I'll add pictures if this website ever works properly again,)
Our Journey of Love
The Hanks Family

Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Thursday, September 1, 2016
August was a month for reconnecting. I took some time to sort through our relics from China and place them in Elijah's baby box. I included foreign currency, his little teddy bear, his name scroll, brochures from places we traveled, and receipts written in Mandarin. I took apart his puzzle and added it too. Though the most important additions were his belongings from the orphanage, his photo album and Gotcha Day clothing. I hope these items will help him reflect on our journey to him and our travels with him, as well as China's culture and heritage.
On Saturday, August 20, our friends from Ohio stopped by on their way back from Florida. Paul and Angie were part of our travel group in China. They have 4 biological kids and adopted Josie in January. It was wonderful to see how well Josie has adjusted and to watch all the children play.
On Thursday, August 25, I visited with another mom from our travel group. Jaleen was in NC on a business trip from California. We enjoyed burgers, sodas, and donuts while she updated me on her husband Shane, and son Trevor. Trevor's sweet chubby cheeks can compete with Elijah's!
Elijah really loves music, including listening/watching, playing instruments, and singing (especially with hand gestures). Some of his words and phrases are becoming more recognizable. Fortunately this month we've been able to remove the bibs. (Well remove again, as he did well not drooling after surgery but then started back a few weeks later.) Elijah has become even more affectionate, freely giving us hugs and kisses, especially during the Barney song. He and Ethan have become quite the little fish, enjoying swimming every weekend. I hope they're friendship gets better and stronger with each passing month.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
July was a month full of celebration. On July 2, No Hands But Ours published our article about the challenges of adoption. When writing about adoption, the most difficult part is getting across the big point that while the journey is hard, this child of God has immeasurable worth, making adoption worth every minute and dime spent. There are times we struggle with Elijah as he struggles with his own past and issues. But those moments are tiny in comparison to the joy he brings to our lives. On July 18, we celebrated six months of fun filled adventure with Elijah. If you've spent much time with him, you know there isn't a dull moment! This past weekend we celebrated Phillip's birthday with a family pool party and cheesecake. It is amazing how much more Ethan and Elijah enjoy the water each time they play in it.
Today we took Elijah for his audiology and ENT appointments. He was so cooperative for the Audiologist, that she was able to perform several types of tests. Elijah's ear tubes are in place and functional. He was able to hear all tones within speaking range and at differing volumes. Yay!
After Elijah's appointments, we stopped at the Dairi-O for hotdogs. As I looked across the table at him, I though about what a blessing Elijah truly is to us. He started singing softly in "Elijah talk" and reached across the table to hold my hand. I nearly lost it in the middle of the restaurant. As I held back tears, I thought about how far he has come in attachment and security, with still a ways to go. Many strangers have said "what a lucky boy!" but we know just how unlucky he was. Born with a medical/surgical need, to a family that couldn't afford healthcare, in a country that shuns anything less than perfect. Abandoned. An orphan waiting. We are the lucky ones, with health insurance, good paying jobs, the support of family and friends, and the perfect match made in Heaven. Elijah may have a brighter future in store for him now, but we are so lucky to watch this sweet and silly boy grow up.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Happy second birthday Elijah!
Happy second birthday sweet Elijah! This weekend we celebrated Elijah's birthday at Myrtle Beach. We enjoyed sun and sand, waves and shells, family and cupcakes. Saturday morning, we headed straight to the beach to introduce Elijah to the ocean. Playing with both boys was so much fun! Elijah is growing and changing so quickly. We are constantly amazed at his progress.
The random man we asked to take our picture was named Louie and was from Ohio. We told him it was Elijah's birthday and he said "Today? Me too! June 25 is the best birthday because it's half way to Christmas!" What are the odds that it would be his birthday too? Life is full of little coincidences. Or is it? Maybe it's all a divine plan full of good providence. Maybe Louie needed to meet Elijah that day. After a while, Louie ran into us on the beach again and asked about our plans for celebrating Elijah's birthday. Maybe Louie needed to know his birthday twin was being well cared for.
While the boys were napping, I read an article a friend sent me titled "I See Love By Choice".The article was posted on NoHandsButOurs.com on Elijah's birthday, but it was really a beautiful present to me. It seemed the author took the words straight from my heart and eloquently expressed my feelings about adoption. I hope you will read the article and feel the love pouring from it. I also hope our blended family is a reminder that love is a choice and one we should all make more often.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Dog Tired
I've been thinking about this post for a few days, but since I accidentally wore flip flops to work today, I figured I would finish the thought.
Ever wondered why parents of young children are so tired? If you have young children, then you probably understand it well. If your kids are grown, you might remember those difficult days. Otherwise, you might be as clueless as I once was...
When Ethan was a baby, I would have done anything to help him sleep better. Anytime he slept better than usual, I would immediately question everything. What did I feed him or not feed him? What did he play with before bed? What book did we read? What's the room temperature? Exactly what time did we start bedtime routine and he fell asleep? Socks or no socks? Medicine or no medicine? Ahhhhhh! This lead to madness. We would over analyze everything and eventually come up with the same answer every time. All the sleep he has missed finally caught up with him. Or God knew we just needed a break. Whatever the reason, we were grateful for the rest. It is hard to carry on when you go a very long time between periods of rest. While preparing for adoption, we read to expect newborn like behavior after placement. Well Eli decided being up every single hour was better than every few hours. Nothing could have prepared us for Eli's terrible sleep patterns, even though it seems Ethan tried his best. We thought we knew sleep deprivation, but Eli (and jet lag) took us to a whole new level.
Things we've done in our zombie like state:
•put refrigerated items in the pantry
•forgot to set a morning alarm (who hasn't really?)
•washed hair or put on deodorant multiple times (who can remember 2 minutes ago?)
•washed hair or put on deodorant multiple times (who can remember 2 minutes ago?)
•washed laundry without detergent
•shaved only one leg
•put a child in the bathtub with a diaper still on
•used body splash instead of hair styling spray (it smelled like a perfume store while blow drying my hair)
The list goes on and on. And these are just the things we realize we messed up. (If you can think of more we've done, you can keep them to yourself!) Today on the way to work, Jonny Diaz's song Breathe came on the radio. I was reminded of Eli's recovery after surgery. Every time his oxygen levels would drop, I would silently beg him to breathe as I repositioned his head and the hose. Nothing was more important in that moment than breathing, resting, and healing. As I listened to the song, I decided to have a calm and positive day, especially because any day had to be better than watching Eli struggle. That theory was quickly tested as I stepped out of my car wearing flip flops. I immediately started making calls as I needed closed toe shoes to work in a hospital. All is well that ends well, I guess, as my coworker came to the rescue. (Thank goodness our feet are about the same size!)
My point today is to find rest. Not just physical rest and good sleep, but true rest and healing in the Lord. He will provide strength, calm worries, and heal hearts if we just go to Him.
"He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams." Psalm 23:2
"Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:29
"Breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at my feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need
Is to take it in, to fill your lungs
The peace of God that overcomes
Just breathe
So let your weary spirit rest
Lay down what's good and find what's best
Just breathe"
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Cry Out
It's okay to cry. It's okay to cry when we receive bad new. It's okay to cry when something is burdening our heart. Sometimes we feel like a failure when we cry, like we've lost hope or lost faith. Babies and children cry because they have a need. They cry because we haven't satisfied this need and they want to make sure this need is noticed. Let's rewind to Gotcha Day. Many children cried because they were scared or they missed their previous caretaker. Even after the children accepted their new parents, they cried because they were hungry, tired, or needed changing. Each of these needs are important and recur time and time again. Does it make a child unreasonable to cry? Does it mean they don't believe their needs will be met? Or are these children just showing emotion and asking for attention? Yes, we tried to meet all of Elijah's needs right away but sometimes it took time to know what he needed. It was helpful when he learned sign language and could clearly express what he wanted. Sometimes it was easy to meet the need and sometimes, as parents, we knew better than to give him what he wanted.
As children of God, we are children at heart. We have wants and needs. Sometimes we cry because we need to let our emotions out. Sometimes we cry because this world is broken and we need to grieve loss and suffering. I beg you to cry out to Jesus and express what you need. I believe God hears our heartfelt and fervent prayers. I believe God loves when we pour out our hearts and open up our minds to him. Use the language of worship and prayer to thank Him and ask Him for help. He will lift you up, He will restore you, and He will bring you closer. I've never cried out or prayed harder than when my Mom was undergoing tests and surgery. I told God just how much we still needed her, how I didn't want her to suffer through treatment, and how it wasn't time for her to leave yet. Sometimes when something is really important to us, we cry. Not because we've lost hope or faith but because we want to express just how important this need is to us. God hears us. And while you may be asking what if he says no, I'll reply with but what if he says yes. We always have to remember that He knows best. He created us, has a good plan for us, and will one day call us all to join Him. In the meantime, cry out to your Heavenly Father and know that it's okay.
There is hope for the helpless
Rest for the weary
Love for the broken heart
There is grace and forgiveness
Mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus, Cry out to Jesus
Love for the broken heart
There is grace and forgiveness
Mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus, Cry out to Jesus
Cry Out to Jesus, Third Day
The red lantern in the video reminds me of China :)
On Monday we met with our social worker to start our first post adoption report. I can't believe it's been almost six months since Gotcha Day! Today marks 4 weeks since Elijah's surgery. Thankfully only two more weeks of soft food. Elijah will definitely be happy to expand his food options again!
The red lantern in the video reminds me of China :)
On Monday we met with our social worker to start our first post adoption report. I can't believe it's been almost six months since Gotcha Day! Today marks 4 weeks since Elijah's surgery. Thankfully only two more weeks of soft food. Elijah will definitely be happy to expand his food options again!
This is the one we chose for Elijah's baby box. It will contain items related to his adoption, his childhood, and our trip to China for him to treasure forever. So many things to include already!
Friday, May 13, 2016
Celebration & Reflection
Last week we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary and Mother's Day. Sometimes it takes a milestone or holiday to reflect on who we are and how far we've come. I've now been married for a decade, which is almost a third of my life. It's hard to believe all the storms we've weathered and the celebrations we've enjoyed. As I think about my husband's best qualities, like patient, loyal, and loving, I am reminded of Jesus' love for his bride, the church. Spouses serve as a reminder of God's affection and companionship. Vows are a reminder of our faithful devotion and God's beautiful promises. Marriage is a reminder to have a humble heart and serving attitude. Of course our marriage isn't perfect, but I am grateful for the life we've built and the continual progress we make. May I be blessed to say in another decade that I've been married for almost half of my life! I see all around me just how important marriage is for families and generations to come. Three of our four parents have been diagnosed with cancer in the last six months. I've witnessed such amazing support in their relationships and I hope we always model that for our children. Our parents have been good examples for us to learn from and model our marriage after. Showing God's love through our relationships is the meaning of life!
This year I was honored to celebrate Mother's Day with two sweet sons. As I think about the journeys that led me to both of them, it wasn't easy but it was well worth it. Having two toddlers now means very little sleep and lots of mess. Sometimes I feel like I am consumed with cleaning up and trying to sleep. When will it end? All too soon I suppose. Soon my boys won't need me as much and I will miss their attention. Being a mother of young children is wholly different than any other stage in life. But we should still find ways to serve God in the minutiae of the daily grind. In the meantime, my daily devotion usually involves reading my Bible at work, listening to KLove in the car, falling asleep praying, singing endless children's songs, and caring for two of God's precious children. Motherhood is definitely the most frustrating, rewarding, challenging, exciting, intimidating, and incredible job on this earth. Nothing is more adorable than their faces or sweeter than their kisses. We are all blessed that God chose our Mothers and children just for us!
Your love is devoted like a ring of solid gold
Like a vow that is tested like a covenant of old
Your love is enduring through the winter rain
And beyond the horizon with mercy for today
Faithful You have been and faithful you will be
You pledge yourself to me and it's why I sing
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips
You Father the orphan
Your kindness makes us whole
And you shoulder our weakness
And your strength becomes our own
Now you're making me like you
Clothing me in white
Bringing beauty from ashes
For You will have Your bride
Free of all her guilt and rid of all her shame
And known by her true name and it's why I sing
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips
You will be praised You will be praised
With angels and saints we sing worthy are You Lord
And it's why I sing
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips
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