The Hanks Family

The Hanks Family

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thursday 1/21/26

Elijah is really opening up to us and showing his sweet personality. He likes to play peek-a-boo and dance by swaying side to side. He enjoys clapping, putting objects in a bag, and dragging bags around the room. He will repeatedly lean his head to my face so I can kiss him. He loves it when I say an extended "muah" and he can pull his head away when he chooses. Elijah sleeps much better in our arms than in the crib. Although he is doing really well, he still struggles with insecurity, especially at night. I love when he lifts his arms wanting to be picked up and I absolutely adore when he runs into my arms with a big grin. Phillip thinks Elijah has very loving eyes and that they sparkle when he looks at us. I truly believe he was prepared to meet us, maybe by his caretakers but definitely by his Creator. It's interesting that when I look around at each couple and their child, it's almost like I could have matched them based on personality without knowing who belonged to whom. These children were meant for these specific families. They are truly matches made in heaven. 
Yesterday some of the families visited their child's orphanage in other cities, which revealed bleak conditions and heartsick nannies. We were warned against bringing the children back to the orphanage, as it may be traumatizing (especially for the older children). Many of the children and the nannies became very attached over time. Today we visited the Zhengzhou orphanage with three other families. It was about a 40 minute drive from our hotel (in a rickety van and crazy traffic). Just outside the gates was a wasteland of a poor and dry area. I was glad Elijah fell asleep on the way so I could keep him close in the baby carrier. The director met our group and showed us several buildings. The first buildings were dormitories for older boys and girls, with many beds in a large open room. The next building was for the babies. We saw the rooms sponsored by Show Hope, which were clean, warm, and painted nice colors. We saw Elijah's room, including his bed, and met his nannies. They immediately recognized him and their excitement showed on their smiling faces. The nannies started pinching his cheeks, briskly rubbing his face, and loudly saying his Chinese name to wake him. One nanny in particular tried several times to take him out and hold him, but Elijah never reached out for her so I kept moving along. He was content to hold onto me, so I let him. One little girl (previously in a room close to him) was on antibiotics, so her mom took her out of the carrier and let the nurse listen to her lungs. The nannies then passed her around until the girl started crying, so I decided to keep Elijah close (no matter how warm he was, layered up and strapped in). We met Elijah's two little friends, in his room and the room next door. They were adorable little boys I would have snuck into my bag given the chance. If you're looking for your future son, I know just where to find him. ;) We moved down the hall to the rooms sponsored by CCAI, which were also quite nice. So many innocent children waiting for a forever home. We took pictures of the children we saw today, hoping to give their family an sneak peak like a family tried to do for us at Christmas. We also saw rooms for activities like physical therapy, occupational therapy, acupuncture, and instruction. Before we left, we returned Elijah's red Minnie Mouse coat, pink Hello Kitty now suit, and a bag of goodies for the nannies. Orphanages are heart wrenching, even the best ones, and especially when you see all the faces left behind and how eager they are to be loved. It was great to take pictures of the place Elijah spent most of his life thus far in case he wants to see it later, but I promised him when we left he never had to return. You will always be my baby, Elijah, always.

Show Hope Sponsorship
CCAI Orphanage Partnership

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